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Hareline Float Foam
Float Foam
This foam is good for so many things. Bass poppers, damsel flys, hoppers, whatever you can think of.
Hareline Deer Belly Hair Dyed Over White
Deer Belly Hair Dyed Over White
This deer belly haIr is perfect for packing and spinning hair bugs for bass, steelhead or any other streamer in your aresenal
Hareline Select Goose Shoulder
Select Goose Shoulder
Use for married wings on traditional salmon and trout flies.
Hareline Calf Tail
Calf Tail
For winging steelhead, trout and bonefish flies.
Hareline Strung Peacock Herl 5-7
Strung Peacock Herl 5-7
This strung peacock herl is used for so many patterns. This is one of those materials that makes everything better!
Hareline Hare's Mask Natural
Hare's Mask Natural
This product contains the full range of spiky, buggy, variegated and mottled hairs that blend into the very finest dubbing for the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear family of flies.