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Hareline Uni Flexx
Uni Flexx
UNI-Flexx is a fine elastic strand with unlimited uses.
Montana Fly Co Barred Ostrich Plumes
Barred Ostrich Plumes
These ostrich plumes are are amazing. Super thin feathers very similar to Rhea but they are barred to add a little contrast and shrimp appeal to your flies. Great for intruders and big steelhead flies. Package of 2
Hareline Bead Chain Eyes
Bead Chain Eyes
For bonefish flies and other patterns.
Hareline EP Anadromus Brush
EP Anadromus Brush
Don’t be deceived by the name. This brush not only makes fantastic Salmon and Steelhead flies but also outstanding saltwater flies as well as any trout and bass patterns. Just to give you an idea, if you would like to tie the classic Sea Ducer you can pal
Hareline Mono Nymph Eyes
Mono Nymph Eyes
Great eyes for flies that you don’t want to add weight to, such as tarpon toads.
Hareline Mylar Pearlescent Flat Tinsel
Mylar Pearlescent Flat Tinsel
This pearlescnt mylar is great for so many things. Perfect for the flash in any flashback nymph like pheasant tails or hares ears.
Hareline Extra Select Craft Fur
Extra Select Craft Fur
A must for bonefish and steamer patterns.