Where would you go?

The adventure begins right outside your front door. Where will you go?


Spring has come and gone with very little to celebrate in its passing. The boundaries of COVID physical distancing have closed in, leaving us longing for a change of scenery, or at least a reprieve from the reality of the current health emergency. As we start to venture beyond our homes and neighborhoods pushing back self-imposed isolation, a question haunts our conscious thought. Where would I go? 

If the world was free of disease and conflict; if money was not a consideration, and I had all the time in the world, where would I go? Over the last few months have you sat at home and wondered; when this is all over, where will I go?

Join me Saturday morning, as I share some of my favorite images, adventures, and stories to inspire you to plan your next adventure.

This free live ZOOM presentation begins on Saturday, June 20th, at 10:30 AM. Simply click on the Zoom link below to join in at that time.

To access the event, simply click on the ZOOM link below at 10:30 AM on Saturday (you can enter the cyber room a little earlier to visit with friends and make sure you get a seat, we are limited to 100 guests.) We'll see you live in Cyberspace!


Join the ZOOM Presentation.



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