Warming Up

The Salmonfly hatch on the Deschutes is the main topic of discussion in the shop these days, and reviews are mixed depending on the weather and what part of the river you choose to visit. Cooler weather keeps the big bugs grounded, but when temperatures climb, they take flight. In any case, hungry Redsides have noticed their presence and are enthusiastically intercepting them when they crash into the water.

Those lucky enough to hit the river on warmer days are doing well smacking MFFRs and other favorites close to shore, while cooler day tactics of Hopper/Dropper have been producing well. PMDs and March Brown hatches were added to the menu over the last week as cloud cover provided excellent Mayfly hatch conditions. 

No reports of Green Drakes have filtered in, but conditions seem to be aligning for their appearance. In any case, it's always a good idea to carry a few in your fly box, just to keep things interesting.

While it's forecasted to be a little cool this weekend, a warming trend on Sunday extends into next week, offering the potential for some of the most rewarding fishing of the spring season. So, stock up on some flies and get ready to hit the river!

If the Metolius is on your radar, the whole river opened this week, and while Green Drake hatches have been spotty, something is always popping. Spring is the "take all the fly boxes" season, so have a good selection of miscellaneous mayflies and caddis. 

As we slip into our early summer season, more waters open up to allow for exploration. Is this the year you grab your little 3wt rod and poke around some small streams on the North Coast or explore our many lake fisheries? Whatever you choose, we can help make your adventure more successful and enjoyable. See you on the water!

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