The New Winston Air 2

Our friends at the Winston Fly Rod Company announced the new Air 2 last week, and one landed on my desk just a few days later. The rod is only available to pre-order at this time, but we have a shipment inbound as soon as the silver ink dries on those pretty green blanks. You may want to put your name in the hat now if you're looking for a new Trout rod.
I suited up in Gore-Tex and went out to cast this new Winston with a driving rain falling and a fast-approaching deadline to pass the rod on to the next fly shop on the list. They say good first impressions are essential, and I would agree whether it's people or fly rods. Lucky for the folks in Twin Bridges, I believe this new stick will impress a wide range of anglers no matter their home waters. The Air 2 was so smooth in hand that I've requested a 5wt to hang my 10th Anniversary Nautilus Reel on.
Long known for that "Winston feel" that is sometimes hard to wrap a short sentence around when trying to explain it to someone that has never cast one, the new Air 2 has DNA that traces back 92 years to a little bamboo shop by the Bay and does that history proud. Winston fans will find favor in this new rod, featuring cutting-edge design and materials, but a feel that is all Winston. They will see reflections of some of their favorite classic models in each sweeping cast of the new Air 2. Those new to the brand will wonder what took them so long to aspire to own their first Winston.
Introducing the new AIR 2 - The Ultimate All-Around Fly Rod from R.L. Winston Rod Co. on Vimeo.