The Golden Fly Box with Scott Richmond

The curtain has closed on the Salmonfly hatch here in the Beaver State, but plenty of other options lie ahead as summer takes hold. While knowing what to expect when you head to the river cuts down on the guesswork; moving forward our task becomes a little harder as hatches aren't always as dependable as those big bugs crawling out on the bushes. Now, our Golden Fly Box comes into play.
What? You don't have a Golden Fly Box? My dear friends, you need to have that one box that holds all of your dependable tried and true flies that can handle most species in almost every situation. That will be the box that bails you out when the location or the whims of nature mess with your best-laid plans. It should also be the first box that hits the tackle bag when packing for any trip. In fact, that baby should live in your fishing rig so it never gets left at home by mistake.
Our resident author and fly fishing savant, Scott "Uncle Fuzzy" Richmond joins the Zoom club this Saturday to share the contents of his Golden Fly Box and expand on the selection process behind this collection of fur, feathers, and steel. Trout, Steelhead, Carp, Shad, Salmon, Surf Perch, if it swims in the waters of the Northwest this selection of flies will help bring them to hand. With fashion and trends changing the flies we toss, Scott is constantly fine tuning the flies he carries, but those that make it into the Golden Fly Box are always there to bail him out when needed.
This ZOOM Replay was recorded on Saturday, June 13th.