Summer is Melting Away

Steelhead numbers over the Columbia Dams are somewhat encouraging as we slide into our fall season. Hopefully, the furnace-like temperatures will soon be behind us, offering both fish and angler a break from the blistering heat of the past few weeks.
The Deschutes has produced a healthy supply of optimism for fly swingers who have endured less than ideal returns over the last few years. Early successes were temporarily sidelined this week as White River belched glacial goo into the lower river, reducing clarity to a few inches. 100-degree temps have a way of doing that. We'll have to work through those blips in productivity until cooler weather prevails.
While Steelhead anglers couldn't see their boots while standing knee-deep in the flow, above the White River confluence Trout chasers bent rods on healthy Redsides. Caddis are the primary source of protein, with evening efforts paying dividends as the sun leaves the water.
A lightning-sparked wildfire near Camp Sherman has some residents on a Level 2 "be set" evacuation notice as of yesterday. It is probably not the weekend to visit the Metolius. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that this wildfire is contained soon.
The North Coast is drawing attention as a beautiful escape from heat destination, but anglers hunting Searun Cutthroat are only staying cool for now. Rain would help the situation by inspiring a few Salmon to return home. Until then, resident Cuttys are willing to rise to just about any well-placed dry fly. Get off the beaten path for the best results.
Closer to home, the rubber boat hatch takes over most waterways once that overly suntanned population gets out of bed. Fish early in the cooler morning hours to avoid confrontation and frustration.