Getting a Grip on Single-Hand Spey Casting

Single-Hand Spey tactics up your game with versatile delivery options that outperform a standard roll cast. A surge of modern equipment has developed in the last several years to benefit all fly anglers, including those specific to single-hand spey techniques. Simple to learn, it’s critical you have in your arsenal solid, upstream, and downstream spey casts and a clear idea of when to implement each maneuver.
While there are a multitude of textbooks and online videos to assist you in adding these casts to your quiver, nothing beats clear and present instruction to remove the guesswork as well as any previously acquired bad habits. Physics teaches us that it requires mass to move mass and the weight required to load your rod must be carried in your “D” loop.
With single-hand spey, we are looking to deliver nymphs, wets flies, and light streamers on lighter sink tips or polyleader type systems and even the occasional dry fly with a floating line. Oftentimes, you will find that your 9 to 9 1/2 foot 6 weight single hand rod is the perfect setup to get you well on your way to learning your Basic Spey casts that can help you with trout fishing, or, be your segue into a true two-handed rod set up for Steelhead or Salmon.
Shorter “heads”, or integrated lines are usually the standard for those looking to be serious about a two-handed trout Spey set up, but don’t be fooled! Your regular 6 weight forward floating line can also master double spey and snap casts; as long as you understand the placement of your anchor AND have excellence in a straight, smooth acceleration to a positive stop on both your backcast that forms your D Loop and your forward stroke!
Sometimes, learning new terminology, line systems & new casts are enough to be a deterrent in the desire to take on a new skill. Rest assured, I keep the learning clear, simple, and fun! Sign up for a class and let me take the guesswork out of it all. Learn about Skagit vs Scandinavian (Scandi) with single-hand spey, when we use verifiable lines, and why. Together, we will iron out your basic upstream and downstream anchor casts and give you the skills set work needed to practice at home with clear instruction and a PDF of class notes for regular review.
Ready to skip the single-hand spey & jump right into the 2-handed world to trout spey or steelhead? We can do that too, as all the basic casts are just the same!
See? I told you it would be easy!
For private, or small group casting instruction, reach out to [email protected]