Castings Tips from Jennifer
07 Oct 2020

Spey Tip-
Memorize these points:
- Go slow/breathe/relax.
- Start with the rod tip at the water.
- Lift high and straight up.
- Push around with your bottom hand.
- Commit to perfect Key position.
- Set the anchor where YOU want it ...or do it again before you attempt to cast.
- Pulling with bottom hand to elbow to a high stop.
- Follow line back down to the water, mend if need be, fish it out, repeat.
Tip for Single Hand Casting:
- Start with the rod tip low with your thumb in alignment with the rod.
- Lift as though you are picking up a heavy bucket to allow the wrist to come up to engage your forearm to your first stop and help narrow the angle between the butt of the rod and wrist. Actually, watch that the wrist maintains a 45-degree angle if possible.
- Maintain that less than 90-degree angle at all times, and refuse to allow the wrist to fall back in the first STOP, thus opening the narrow-angle you just worked so hard to achieve.
- Allow the line to straighten behind you, THEN use the entire forearm in the forward stroke with a smooth, slow acceleration to a dead stop; this action will tighten your loop and send the line out with speed and accuracy.
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