Black Friday Recap

For several years, Royal Treatment Fly Fishing has had the pleasure of hosting anyone who would like to join us riverside on the beautiful Deschutes at Surf City on Black Friday and simply celebrate time together in nature.
Traditionally, the weekend of Thanksgiving is a free fishing weekend in Oregon, so we try to encourage people to get out with their families, take time to explore the region, and wet a line or two on a river that holds a very special place in each one of our hearts.
We were all blessed with fantastic, clear weather this Thanksgiving, and since our immediate family was seeking southern comforts near palm trees and pink plastic flamingos, we decided to head over to Maupin on Thanksgiving Day itself along with Josh Linn and good fly shop buddy, Steve Genrich. While we were late getting out of West Linn with various chores to tend to, the guys swung flies down low most of the day, but we all joined up for a cozy campfire evening surrounded only by clear skies, a few passing clouds, and a brilliant moon dancing on the water. I couldn’t help but think, ‘we should do this every year’; basically, if it’s not traditional, and there’s a high probability of just a few people around on a river, I’m pretty much first in line for that program. Add in Joel’s homemade sourdough Panini, special snacks from loved ones who couldn’t join us, a few hot toddies, and those killer Trader Joe’s gingerbread Whoopie pies that Josh graciously shared with us, and life was good this Thanksgiving Day.
In the morning, we opted to go upriver and swing a few flies before heading back to Surf City to cook up tasty tacos on the Skottle from 12-2 pm. This year was quieter than last with the Beavers versus Ducks “Civil War” game going on at home, but that didn’t keep everyone away from hanging out in waders and enjoying a Black Friday potluck style.
Our friend, Jake Campbell, from Western Rivers Conservancy, joined us this day, and many of the participants tried their hand at fishing two different iconic Glenn Brackett Sweetgrass Bamboo rods that we lined up. It was fun to watch friends land fish on tiny dry flies with some of our very favorite equipment and delight in just how wonderful living, breathing bamboo truly feels in hand, even with a smaller fish on the line.
For us, the opportunity to give back to a fly fishing community that we care so much about on Black Friday is a special treat and one that we will look forward to in the future.
Mark your calendar, because we’ll be there next year, too!