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Hareline GLO Brite Floss
GLO Brite Floss
The brightest floss, that will make your flies pop!
Hareline Fine Wire
Fine Wire
Fine wire is great for ribbing nymph bodies like the peheasant tail on anything small.
Hareline Krystal Flash
Krystal Flash
Most used flash material on the planet.
Hareline Senyo's Barred Predator Wrap
Senyo's Barred Predator Wrap
Two wraps is about all you will need to create very cool looking collars and bodies.
Hareline Senyo's Freckled Predator Wrap
Senyo's Freckled Predator Wrap
A lion’s share of fibers to mess with. 4” long fibers. Collar it, palmer it, spin it in a loop. This material really breathes.
Hareline UV Polar Chenille
UV Polar Chenille
Long translucent fibers that undulate like marabou in the water. Can be used for Saltwater, Trout, Steelhead, Salmon and Warmwater patterns. A unique and attractive hue is achieved by dying our UV Polar Chenille.
Hareline Polar Chenille FL Blue
Polar Chenille FL Blue
Long translucent fibers that undulate like marabou in the water. Can be used for Saltwater, Trout, Steelhead, Salmon and Warmwater patterns.