Casting Tune-Ups
08 Jan 2025

Are you ready to UP your fly fishing with knowledge and solid alignment? It’s the New Year and a perfect time to time to level up with brand new goals, regardless of your skill level.
Maybe you have been tempted to journey down the two-handed rod game but keep putting it off. Considering adding more advanced, touch-and-go casts to your mundane repertoire of snap casts or casting off both shoulders while learning how to eliminate those tailing loops; a simple but often overlooked skill technique that will be a game changer for you with the two-handed and single-hand rods.
Speaking of….I'm always working with a handful of Single-Hand students who are ready to start adding more line speed with double-haul off of both shoulders~ a skill that PAYS DIVIDENDS when you least expect it for conquering wind conditions or planning to keep that dream fishing trip on the books even when an injury comes along. I landed my first BIG Permit and all of my Cuba fish this past November on my non-dominant hand using a double-haul because of a silly but serious shoulder injury that needed to heal fully.
From customizing your needs in a single lesson for any level spey or single-hand student, to bringing more confidence with line management control on the water during a walk and wade lesson for you or a friend, I’ve got you covered! Don’t wait to book your lesson 7 days before your trip. Learning structured skill sets to practice and maintain helps you reach a new pinnacle of success throughout the year.
Contact me directly at [email protected] to get signed up today!
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