Showing 49 - 60 of 156
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Hareline GLO Brite Floss
GLO Brite Floss
The brightest floss, that will make your flies pop!
Hareline Grizzly Barred Rubber Legs
Grizzly Barred Rubber Legs
These grizzly barred rubber legs are great for so many things. They add action, life and varigation.
Hareline Hare's Ear Plus Dubbin
Hare's Ear Plus Dubbin
Hare's Ear dubbing with a little extra...
Hareline Hare's Ear Plus Dubbing Selection
Hare's Ear Plus Dubbing Selection
All the best colors in a handy dispenser.
Hareline Hare's Mask Natural
Hare's Mask Natural
This product contains the full range of spiky, buggy, variegated and mottled hairs that blend into the very finest dubbing for the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear family of flies.
Hareline Hareline Ostrich Herl
Hareline Ostrich Herl
For scuds, streamers, winging and bodies.