
Showing 229 - 240 of 255
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Hareline Mylar Pearlescent Flat Tinsel
Mylar Pearlescent Flat Tinsel
This pearlescnt mylar is great for so many things. Perfect for the flash in any flashback nymph like pheasant tails or hares ears.
Hareline Teal Flank Feathers
Teal Flank Feathers
Solid black and white bar marks.
Hareline Mallard Flank
Mallard Flank
Wings, collars, tailing and cheeks.
Hareline Bead Chain Eyes
Bead Chain Eyes
For bonefish flies and other patterns.
Hareline Senyo's Laser Dub
Senyo's Laser Dub
A unique custom mix that we have developed along with fly designer Greg Senyo. It can be used as wings, collars, dubbed bodies or veiled-wool style heads. It is a mix of Ice Dub and 1-1/2" acrylic staple fiber. A must for Salmon, Steelhead and saltwater p
Hareline Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing
Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing
The finest synthetic dubbing available
Hareline Mayfly Tails
Mayfly Tails
Nylon fibers for tailing on dries. Treated with Water Shed for floatability.
Hareline Hare's Ear Plus Dubbin
Hare's Ear Plus Dubbin
Hare's Ear dubbing with a little extra...
Hareline STS Trilobal Dub
STS Trilobal Dub
This Trilobal dubbing is long and spikey, and will add lif and translucency to your flies. Works great in a dubbing loop and brusehd out
Hareline Blue Peacock Breast feathers
Blue Peacock Breast feathers
This vibrant blue pheasnt is great for toppings, wings and collars. It will add a littl flair to all of you flies.